October 5, 2021

Precision OT’s Advanced Engineering Group Acquires Nine Patents, Pushing the Frontier of Optical Networking and Integrated Photonics

In-house engineers develop new technologies in integrated photonics, electronics, and software to simplify, improve and reduce cost of communications systems.

Rochester, NY – October 5, 2021 – The Advanced Engineering Group at Precision OT, a leading provider of optical transceivers and related active/passive optical components, has acquired nine patents from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) in the areas of optical networking, integrated photonics and photonic radio systems, with many more pending. The group of in-house engineers develops innovative solutions that help providers reduce costs while future-proofing their networks.

The optical networking industry is in a golden age of innovation and expansion thanks to increasing consumer and enterprise adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT), 5G, HD streaming, AI and other cloud-based applications. Accommodating such bandwidth-intensive technologies within existing or new networks places significant strain on the budgets of today’s network providers. 

“The Advanced Engineering Group’s objective is to develop new technology that can assist network operators in handling higher data rates across longer distances and generating crucial efficiencies that can positively impact their bottom lines,” says Chris Page, CTO of Precision OT. “To that end, we’re proud to have recently earned nine patents by the federal government that have the potential to shape global optical networks for years to come. With many optical component providers on the market simply white-labeling products, our Advanced Engineering Group is a key differentiator for Precision OT. And we not only develop new solutions, but we share our engineering expertise with our partners to help them build the networks that will work for them now and into the future.”

Precision OT’s Advanced Engineering Group offers extensive experience in embedded systems, communications theory, signal processing, integrated photonics (both Silicon Photonics and Indium Phosphide), high speed electro-optical integration, and integrated circuit manufacturing. To learn more about the group, visit https://www.precisionot.com/advanced-engineering-group/.


About Precision OT

Precision Optical Technologies is a system engineering company focused on optical transceivers and related active/passive optical components. For over a decade, we have helped build networks around the globe by providing high quality, custom-engineered optical solutions. For more information, visit www.precisionot.com. 

For media inquiries, please contact:

Alicca Hudson 




About Precision OT

Precision OT is a systems integration company focused on end-to-end optical networking solutions, network design services and cutting-edge product development advancements. Backed by our extensive experience and robust R&D efforts,  we play an integral role in enabling next-generation optical networks worldwide. For more information, visit www.precisionot.com


For media inquiries, please contact:

Alicca Hudson

